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10 Tips for Summer Slowdown Success

Written by Auction Packages | Jun 10, 2024 8:00:46 PM

Hot fundraising tips incoming!

It may be heating up outside but things are cooling off in the world of nonprofit fundraising as we enter the yearly summer slowdown. Fundraising is traditionally the lowest during the months of June and July and while you might never warm up to the idea of a summer slump, these months offer nonprofits valuable time to review the first half of the year, form new partnerships, and plan ahead for a welcome winter fundraising season.

Read on for some simple strategies for surviving and thriving during the summer slowdown!

01. Focus on Recurring Donations

You won’t have to worry about your fundraising opportunities drying up when you’ve set up a steady stream to last you through the summer heat!

Encouraging donors to set up recurring monthly donations is the best way to raise funds during your slow seasons and can be bolstered by offering your donor base more flexible payment options. The 2022 State of Modern Philanthropy revealed that gift sizes increase when donors have a variety of payment options, including digital wallets, credit card, PayPal, Venmo, and ACH. In tandem, a recent study found that more than half of Americans now prefer using digital wallets to make both one-time and recurring payments and that those who use digital wallets tend to spend more than those who do not. 

Launch a recurring donation fundraising campaign at the start of summer and keep it going all summer long, with creative incentives and email updates on its progress to encourage one-time donors to join in.


02. Launch a Peer-to-Peer Campaign

When it comes to summertime fundraising, there’s no better A-to-B than peer-to-peer.

With peer-to-peer campaigns, donors organize fundraising events on behalf of a non-profit’s larger campaign, involving their friends, families, communities, and personal networks in their efforts. Responsible for about 50% of new donor interactions, peer-to-peer fundraising is a cakewalk for non-profits…sometimes literally! Peer-to-peer can broaden your reach both within and beyond your community to bring in new donors. Plan fun and engaging fundraising campaigns that take advantage of the warm weather, such as outdoor picnics, BBQ contests, community yard sales, and outdoor movie nights and watch as donors turn your campaign into their event. 

Peer-to-peer is especially attractive to donors looking for ways to stay involved during the summer and your encouragement is often all they need! A fun peer-to-peer event planned during a week when your city’s event calendar looks sparse can bring out supporters in droves.

03. Partner with Other Organizations

A fundraising friend in need is a fundraising friend, indeed!

The majority of nonprofit fundraising takes a bit of a hit during these months which means it’s a great time to find strength in numbers. Collaborating with other nonprofits or businesses to co-host fundraising events or campaigns can help amplify reach and attract new donors during the summer slowdown. 

Securing strategic partnerships allows nonprofits to pool together their resources, expertise, and networks with other organizations in order to better manage the cost-of-giving crisis. This collaboration can lead to larger-scale projects, a broader pool of volunteers, and the ability to address complex social or environmental issues that may be beyond the capacity of individual organizations. There’s also brand strength in numbers. Partnering with reputable and established organizations lends credibility and legitimacy to your non-profit. Strategic partnerships with corporate sponsors or educational institutions can increase visibility, enhance public perception, and attract more donors and supporters who value collaboration and shared goals. When you’re starting out, consider collaborating with local businesses or nonprofits that share your organization's mission for a joint fundraising event or program.

04. Offer Incentives

When you're competing with the beach for your donors' attention, it helps to give a little to get a little during the summer slump.

Offering exclusive bonuses for giving can encourage your supporters to make contributions and support your cause with attractive incentives such as tax deductions, matching donations, or exclusive gifts. Nonprofits can motivate individuals to donate to their organization while helping themselves stand out among the numerous charitable organizations competing for donations and create a sense of appreciation and value for donors who choose to support their cause. Ultimately, offering incentives for giving can help nonprofits raise more funds and advance their mission and impact with strategies such as:

Matching gifts: Nonprofits can partner with businesses or other organizations to offer matching gifts, where the donor's contribution is matched dollar for dollar. This can incentivize donors to give more knowing that their donation will be doubled.

Exclusive events or experiences: Nonprofits can offer donors exclusive access to events, experiences, or behind-the-scenes tours as a way to thank them for their support and incentivize future donations.

Fundraising challenges or competitions: Nonprofits can create fundraising challenges or competitions where donors can win prizes or recognition for raising the most funds. This can create a sense of friendly competition and motivate donors to fundraise more.

Recognition: Recognizing and thanking donors publicly through social media, newsletters, or events can incentivize others to donate. Nonprofit can also create donor recognition programs with different levels of recognition based on the amount donated.

Personalized thank-you gifts: Nonprofits can offer personalized thank-you gifts such as t-shirts, mugs, or other merchandise to donors as a way of showing appreciation for their support.

05. Explore New Fundraising Strategies

The same old summer slowdown is a perfect place for some brand new thinking!

June and July are the best months to get creative with your fundraising efforts by exploring alternative strategies such as crowdfunding campaigns, online auctions, or virtual events to reach donors who may be traveling or busy during the summer. Check out our Experiences for over 250 world-class travel packages for our world-changing clients to place for free at auction. Offer a wintery escape from the heat with Ski West or a summer escape for a wintertime event with Breathtaking Bali. Or let the donor decide with a summer-or-winter package like Amazing Alaska. Then Be sure to promote your event online with our new Promotional Materials.



06. Re-engage Lapsed Donors

Some supporters need a sign from the universe to donate so make sure it's not a STOP sign!

While there are many reasons donors stop giving to an organization, the summer months are a great time to take a look at your lapsed donor list and develop a strategy for re-engaging them during your down season. Lapsed donors will likely have fewer messages coming in from other nonprofits and this quiet time is a perfect opportunity for reaching out.

Start by segmenting lapsed donors to identify who the lapsed donors are and grouping them based on their giving history, interests, and previous engagement with the organization. Reach out to your lapsed donors with personalized and compelling communication that highlights the impact of their past donations and shows appreciation for their support. Share updates and success stories about the organization's work to reengage lapsed donors and demonstrate the impact of their support and provide opportunities for involvement in events, volunteer opportunities, or other activities that align with their interests and values.

Then create targeted marketing campaigns or fundraising appeals specifically designed to appeal to lapsed donors and encourage them to reengage with the organization. Provide incentives or perks, such as exclusive access to events or special recognition, to incentivize lapsed donors to renew their support. You can also conduct surveys or feedback sessions from lapsed donors to understand why they stopped supporting the organization and what could be done to reengage them in the future.  After a lapsed donor reengages with your organization, ensure timely follow-up communication to express gratitude and reinforce the value of their support.

07. Show Your Appreciation

Your mom is right: A handwritten note goes a long way in this day and age.

What your mom might not know, however, is that the most cost-effective way to ensure the long-term success of your nonprofit is to prioritize your donor retention and that, simultaneously, it's recommended to thank your donors at least 7 times throughout the year. If you mom did know that, then she'd definitely tell you that the summer slowdown is the perfect time to thank donors for their continued support and let them know how their contributions are making a difference without attaching an ask.

Personalized thank you messages can help maintain donor engagement during the slower months, with tactics such as handwritten notes on branded thank you cards and personal calls from prominent figureheads within your organization or beneficiaries of your mission serving as strong strategies for appreciation.

08. Share Your Story

Avoid a totally bummer summer by pairing sharing with caring!

Utilize social media to boost your fundraising efforts and connect with donors over the summer months by keeping your followers updated on your organization's work, showcasing success stories, and motivating supporters to contribute or get involved. Sharing personal narratives is crucial for demonstrating the real-world impact of donations, which can help secure future support and possibly even attract additional gifts during slower fundraising periods. Sharing your stories provides potential donors with a powerful introduction to your mission, and posting fresh content regularly can improve your site's SEO. In addition, stories are highly effective for social media posts, especially when accompanied by impactful videos or imagery. Visual content tends to drive more engagement than text-only posts, so take advantage of visuals to captivate your audience.

In times of low donations, consider sharing your organization's impact through numbers. While stories evoke emotional responses, data offers a more tangible and measurable demonstration of success. Simplify this data with the help of infographics, which can visually represent key statistics like the number of adoptions or meals served. Create colorful and straightforward graphs to share on social media or via email, making it easy for supporters to grasp the significance of your achievements.

09. Analyze Your Campaigns To-date

While your donors comb the beach, it's time to comb through your data.

Nonprofit CRM software can be a game-changer for your organization as it provides invaluable insights that can help you make informed decisions to drive success. Summer, being the midway point between the start and end of the year, presents the perfect opportunity to reflect on your previous year's fundraising performance and compare it to this year's success so far. By examining key metrics such as conversion rates, donor counts, and average gift sizes, you can gain a clearer understanding of how you are progressing towards your fundraising goals.

Beyond just fundraising metrics, it is also important to assess other aspects of your organization's performance. Take a deep dive into your budget allocation for the year, donation and donor totals, as well as marketing data such as email open rates, website page views, and social media engagement. By analyzing this data, you can identify areas of strength and weakness, allowing you to make strategic adjustments to improve your overall performance. By taking the time to analyze your fundraising efforts and performance metrics, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions and drive success for your organization in the long run.

10. Plan Your Year-end Fundraising

In the slog of summer, it may feel like the end is near...and it's a feeling you should lean into!

During the final weeks of the year, charitable giving reaches its peak in the nonprofit world as individuals seek to make a positive impact before the new year. This period is crucial for fundraising efforts, as many organizations rely on the generosity of donors in this small window of time to meet their goals and support their causes. As such, it's important to start planning early in order to maximize the effectiveness of your fundraising campaigns. Summer is the ideal time to begin organizing and strategizing for your year-end content including crafting the message of your year-end appeal, determining the timing of mailings, and creating social media and email content to complement your campaigns.

One key event to consider when planning your year-end campaigns is Giving Tuesday, which falls on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. This global day of charitable giving presents a valuable opportunity to engage with donors and raise awareness for your cause. Additionally, drafting your appeal letters and preparing other communication materials ahead of time will allow you to focus on engaging with donors and maximizing donations during this critical time. Being proactive and strategic in your planning will set you up for success and enable you to make the most of this important fundraising season.



With those tips now in your fundraising toolbox, you're free to chill out during the summer slowdown!

Auction Packages offers over 250 travel packages for non-profits looking to offer exceptional experiences to any donor base, at every price range in 2024. Fundraising is a trip. We’re with you every step.